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News & Events
Speed networking Event - Edinburgh Napier University 2021
16 December 2020

e-Placement Scotland is giving employers the chance to meet university students at our next speed networking event, held virtually by Edinburgh Napier University.

The speed networking events tend to be some of our most popular events and allow you direct access to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year computing students (including Masters students) in smaller groups before they graduate, providing you with a platform to showcase your placements and career opportunities that are available within your organisation. 


Things will be a little different this year as the event will be held virtually – it will still be set up in in much the same way as speed dating, but all online.


We aim to have somewhere between 8 and 10 employers who are set up in separate rooms and with students then being placed into groups of generally 6 (no more than 10).  They will then circulate the virtual rooms meeting with each employer cluster for between 10 - 15 minutes.  Most employers discuss their business and what they do and what opportunities they would have for placement students.  


Once every group of students has been round every employer there is a 30 minute open networking session for the students to come back and ask any further questions they may have or for you to speak with any one.


Does this sound like something that your business may be interested in attending? 


Here’s the details:  


When:                17th February 2021, 1pm – 2.30pm

Where:               Virtually

Cost:                  FREE

Contact:             Nicola Taylor – 

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