Speed Networking - University of Dundee
Do you want the opportunity to find out exactly what organisations are looking for in an employee and discuss potential career opportunities? If you study any of the following disciplines and are in your penultimate or final year...
- Computing Science
- Software Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Electronics Engineering
- Business / Marketing
...then come along to our informal speed networking event and you will get the chance to do just that. Employers including:

Want to meet YOU!
This event gives you the opportunity to meet with employers face-to-face, find out more about the industry you are about to enter, and get up-to-date information about upcoming placement opportunities and graduate roles.
Circulate round the room, get insights direct from employers about their companies, chat, ask questions – and make connections.
e-Placement Scotland will also be on hand to give you advice on CVs, Applications and Interviews.
When: Wednesday the 9th March 2016 from 2pm - 4pm
Where: The Queen Mother Building Perth Road, Dundee, Angus DD1 4HN
How: E-mail nicola.taylor@scotlandis.com to book your place now!